2019 UK Training
The Institute of Refractories Engineers has run a Training Day since 2008, in line with the Institute aims which include the promotion of education and training in refractories. Our training days have always received positive feedback with many companies sending people on the courses each year.
Thermal shock damage occurs when refractories are heated or cooled too rapidly and thermal stresses develop which are high enough to cause cracking and failure. Thermal shock is different to damage due to insufficient expansion allowance (eg pinch spalling) or from steam generation in monolithic refractories (explosive spalling). This course provides an insight into an important aspect of refractory wear and degradation, thermal stresses and thermal shock.
Topics covered will include:
- What is thermal shock
- Understanding thermal stresses
- Predicting thermal shock
- Thermal modelling
- Other types of thermal stress related damage
The course will be made up of lectures and small group exercise work. Some prior knowledge of refractory materials and their properties is assumed.
We provide those attending with a certificate of attendance and a copy of the presentations.