Notice is hereby given that the 58th Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Refractories Engineers will be held at 12.30 pm on Wednesday 13th November at Aston Hall Hotel, Worksop Road, Aston, Sheffield S26 2EE, UK President Mr J Theron will preside By order of the General Council.
- To receive apologies.
- To approve the Minutes of the 57th Annual General Meeting held on 14th November 2018 at Tankersley Manor, Barnsley.
- To approve the General Council’s appointment of Officers of the Institute for the year 2019/2020 President 2019/2021 Mrs Katy Moss (becomes President after election as Senior Vice President in 2018) Senior Vice President 2019/20 Mr Jan Theron.
- 4a. To re-elect, elected Members of Council.
- 4b. To elect any other members of Council nominated prior to the meeting date.
- To receive a joint report from the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the General Secretary on the Management and Operations of the Institute.
- To approve General Council’s recommendation that the published audited accounts for the period ending 31st December 2018, to be accepted.
- To approve the General Council’s recommendation that the subscriptions for 2020 is as follows:
- Full Members £75.00
- Members under 25 undergoing training £37.50
- To appoint Short’s Accountants (Sheffield) as the Institute’s accountants for the financial year 2020.
- AOB.
Any amendments to this agenda will be posted on the Institute’s website not later than two weeks prior to the meeting.
Members who wish to record votes on any item on the Agenda and who cannot themselves be present at the Annual general Meeting may arrange with the General Secretary, or with any members of the Council, to vote on their behalf by proxy.
If it is any member’s intention to vote they should furnish the General Secretary with instructions, in writing, giving full details of the item on the Agenda they are concerned with. And whom they wish to appoint as their proxy.
Any member not attending the Annual General Meeting, and not arranging such a proxy vote, will be deemed to be in favour of all resolutions, approved at the Annual General Meeting by the members there present.