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63nd Annual General Meeting of The Institute of Refractories Engineers on 20th June 2024
63nd Annual General Meeting of The Institute of Refractories Engineers on 20th June 2024

The IRE will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 20th June 2024. The agenda is presented below and attendance will be undertaken using Teams video technology at 09:00 BST. Only individuals who are members in 2024 can vote on the above.

Members who wish to record votes on any item on the Agenda but cannot themselves be present at the Annual General Meeting, may arrange to vote by proxy by completing a ‘proxy form’. This needs to be submitted no later than 17:00 BST on 18/06/2024 and sent to

Any member not attending the Annual General Meeting, and not arranging to vote by proxy will be deemed to be in favour of all resolutions approved at the Annual General Meeting by the Members there present. The Proxy Voting Form for the AGM link is here.

AGM Agenda

  1. To receive apologies.
  2. To approve AGM minutes held on 27th July 2023.
  3. To receive a report from the President on the Management and Operations of the Institute.
  4. To receive a report from the Treasurer on the Institute’s finances.
  5. To approve Council’s recommendation that the published unaudited accounts for the period ending 31st December 2023 be accepted.
  6. To approve Council’s recommendation for 2025 membership prices to remain at the current rate.
    1. 2025 Price – Full member – £99.00
    2. 2025 Price – Members <25 undergoing training – £49.50
    3. 2025 Price – Retired member – £49.50
  7. To approve Council’s recommendation that Dominic Oates be appointed as the vice president of The Institute of Refractories Engineers.
  8. Any other business The AGM will be held on Teams. Please use the details below.

Teams Meeting Link: Teams
Meeting ID: 378 322 285 463
Passcode: 6pXAMx

The Proxy Voting Form for the AGM link is here

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