Congratulations to Mike Lamkin who on Thursday 27th July was appointed the new President of the IRE. Mike works as the Technical Manager for Capital Refractories and has a great grasp of the institute, being a steadying and stable member of council over the last few years and has some fresh ideas on how to make the institute more united and accessible to our members.

Mike provided the following statement as an introduction to being the new President of the IRE.
“As a long-time member of the IRE it is a great honour and humbling experience to be appointed President. After graduating with a degree in Materials Science from The University of Leeds, I made the decision to continue my learning there, undertaking a PhD followed by post-doctoral work in the field of non-oxide technical ceramics.”
“Upon leaving University, my first role was at Carborundum as a Development Engineer, which, after their acquisition by Saint-Gobain, changed to the position of Technical Manager. After working there for 8 years I joined Capital Refractories for technical functions. 23 years later I am still at Capital as the Technical Manager with responsibility for foundry products.”
“I have been an active member of the IRE for over 20 years and a member of Council for the last 5 years. I assumed the role of Treasurer two years ago and have been focussed on the institute’s finances, helping to return the institute back to a financially sustainable organisation – something we are on track to achieving soon.”
“With over 30 years’ experience in the refractories industry, I have seen many changes: both from organisations and technology. I see it as my duty and role to pass on my knowledge and assist the younger generations in an increasingly challenging environment, not just here in the UK, but across the industry as a whole.”
“I passionately believe in the role of the IRE, and as President, I am looking to continue the good work of my predecessors in promoting the institute and delivering even greater value to its members and the wider industry.”
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