Refractory Business Directory

Looking for new refractory materials and service providers? Our Recognised Supplier Directory is the first place to search for trustworthy industry professionals, suppliers and representatives.
Furnace Repairs
Gnat (UK) Ltd
Unit 5, Jackson Court, Olympic Way
Richmond, North Yorks,
DL10 4FD
S.H.L. Refractories (U.K.) Ltd
Celcius House, Lawn Road Industrial Estate,
Carlton in Lindrick, Worksop, Notts.
S81 9LB.
Gunform International Ltd
33 Carsthorne Road, Carr Lane Industrial
Estate, Hoylake, Wirral, Merseyside
CH47 4FB
If you’d like your business to be part of this listing, please get in touch:
Lynn Postle +44 (0) 1544 340332
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