We are delighted to announce that our first episode of The Equity Edge is now live featuring Mark Jolly, Shini Somara, and Rhys Morgan, it’s a brilliant discussion so please listen in. You can find it on all good podcast platforms. The podcast covers Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) within foundation industries: perceptions, practice and progression,
Would you please help us to spread the word and let your friends, colleagues and connections know about it. Please like, comment, and share The Equity Edge and TransFIRe’s posts. Click this link to choose your audio platform to listen to the podcast at https://kite.link/the-equity-edge.
In this first episode of The Equity Edge, hosts Professor Sue Black OBE and Jo Stansfield are joined by three guests: Professor Mark Jolly, Director of manufacturing and materials at Cranfield University and the lead scientist on the Transfire transforming the foundation industries project. Dr. Shini Somara, multi award winning computational fluid dynamicist, mechanical engineer, author and broadcaster who brings complex science technology and engineering to everyone and Dr. Rhys Morgan, Director of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
They launch the series by explaining the concept of foundation industries and their importance. The discussion progresses to stereotypes upheld in Engineering and within the foundation industries, mainly around gender. The group considers the ways to support companies to be more inclusive starting from education through to working and being established in industry and visual representation.
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