From the Editor Lynn Postle – Following the last issue of The Refractories Engineer, where we shone the spotlight on the growth of hydrogen and efficient energy supply, we follow up in this issue with a decarbonisation feature that highlights how the refractories industry is being influenced by the growth of hydrogen and other ‘clean’ methods of working towards carbon emissions reduction.
It’s a weighty topic and something all industrial sectors are considering as we collectively move towards net zero targets in the coming years. Terminology such as “gamechanger” and “innovative” is being used in the articles in the following pages and it is both thought-provoking and encouraging to see that many of those companies operating in our sector, either as refractories engineering firms, suppliers to the industry or end users and OEMs, are placing the quest to become carbon net zero at the centre of operations.
This comes within a changing landscape, post elections in the UK and across Europe, and is a topic that has been of prominence in media outlets and manifestos for some months now. As an energy intensive industry, it is imperative that we find solutions to the ongoing problems of operating in an increasingly efficient and sustainable manner and that we also consider the benefits in line with raw materials shortage, production targets, attracting and retaining new talent, and customer expectations and demands.
One particular customer group that is closely aligned to the developments in refractories engineering is the metal casting industry and this issue also includes the latest insight into the worlds of ferrous and non-ferrous foundries.
I also remind readers to actively take part in IRE events to showcase solutions to the technical and commercial dilemmas being faced by the sector. What better way than to present at the upcoming IRE Annual UK Conference in November, with the appropriate subject matter being ‘sustainability for a low carbon world’? Don’t delay as the deadline for presentation abstract submissions is fast approaching (30 August 2024), see pages 6 and 15 for more information.
I thank all those contributors to this issue for their guidance and wisdom. Happy reading. Find out more at https://www.ireng.org/the-refractories-engineer-journal/ and content includes:
- Message from the President
- IRE Golf Day Update
- Australasian Update
- IRE Australasian Conference 2024
- IRE News
- International Events Diary
- Industry News
- Supplier News
- End User Industry News
- IRE UK Annual Conference 2024
- Refractory Business Directory
- Quick Shot Directory
- IRE Officers and Council
- IRE Corporate Packages
- The Refractories Engineer Editorial Programme
- Decarbonisation
- Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Foundries
- International Colloquium on Refractories
- Safety Habits
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